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Сухие Woods  Being in nature can boost your mood


Therapy for People is a psychotherapy service for people who at the present moment in their lives require mental and emotional support.

When life is ordinary with its usual ups and downs, we more or less manage. We go through our daily lives, our minds and bodies working, and we rely on them for rational thinking, good judgement, vital energy and physical strength. We are surrounded by people who care about us and whom we love, if we are fortunate.

3D4A3855-Edit (1).jpg  Going for a walk can boost your mood

Feel freer, breathe better, walk lighter

Then something happens, out of the blue or it creeps in gradually. A sudden physical illness or a chronic malaise, loss of a loved one or a major life’s challenge, followed by increased levels of confusion, worry and anxiety, maybe culminating in depression.

Difficulties come with pain. Whether physical or mental, very often both. Every day people struggle with adversity: economic hardship, issues with their health, identity, fertility, relationships, work-related stress or ageing. In pursuit of a better life, sometimes people change cities and countries, leaving friendships and families behind.

Finding ourselves alone, we can feel lost, stuck and isolated. We need to rethink, recalibrate and work painful feelings through. Maybe some of us have felt down and anxious for a long time and now have finally decided it is time to make positive changes. Throughout our lives, a moment comes when we need a “listening ear”, someone who gets it without criticism or judgement – and Therapy for People is designed specifically for that.

The service provides emotional support by offering one-to-one online psychotherapy sessions. The therapy is delivered by me, Olga Utrivanova, a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist trained in London by the National Health Service (NHS) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

Appropriate emotional support is vital, especially during the times of unavoidable life’s changes, changes to our world, our minds and bodies; be it recovery from a critical illness, trauma, loss or long-lasting anxiety and depression. Feeling well supported mentally is important for our self-esteem and self-acceptance, so we can learn to listen to, respect and trust our own thoughts and feelings.

Such healthy attitudes of self-respect make our mental structures stronger, build our resilience and bring relief from pain. They are solid proof that we are more than a tangled knot of our twisted symptoms and give us energy and strength to work through tricky times in our lives and move on.

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